
Beacon Database Loader.

This utility script is used to parse VCF files into a PostgreSQL database. See Database table beacon_data_table for what information is extracted from the VCF file.

Datafiles *.vcf are denoted as datafile in the script parameters. Metadata for a datafile is given in a *.json file, denoted as metafile in the script parameters.


Future releases are expected to drop the additional metafile parameter in favour of simplifying the database loading process, reading metadata from the datafile(s) directly.

Environment Setup

Location of the table creation script can be changed with the TABLES_SCHEMA environment variable.

ENV Default Description
TABLES_SCHEMA data/init.sql Database tables schema for metadata and variants.

Run Module

Below are the two ways of running this module (pip installed and uninstalled).

$ beacon_init [datafile] [metafile]
$ python -m beacon_api.utils.db_load [datafile] [metafile]


This script has been tested with VCF specification v4.2.


init_beacon_db([arguments]) Run database operations here.
main() Run the beacon_init script.
parse_arguments(arguments) Parse command line arguments.


BeaconDB() Database connection and operations.