Beacon API Examples

The Beacon API consists of the following endpoints:

  • / beacon information endpoint;
  • /service-info GA4GH compliant information endpoint;
  • /query - retrieving and filtering information from the beacon.

For the full specification consult: Beacon API 1.0.0+ specification.

The Beacon API specification allows for additional properties, thus we add the following fields to /query endpoint to handle wildcard responses:

  • referenceBases
  • alternateBases
  • variantType

And variant location information to determine the region:

  • start
  • end

The requests are validated against a JSON schema, while for the responses we validate (via unit tests) that they adhere to the required format.

Info Endpoint

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5050/'

Example Response:

  "id": "localhost:5050",
  "name": "EGA Beacon",
  "apiVersion": "1.0.0",
  "organization": {
    "id": "CSC",
    "name": "CSC - IT Center for Science",
    "description": "Finnish expertise in ICT for research, education, culture and public administration",
    "address": "Keilaranta 14, Espoo, finland",
    "welcomeUrl": "",
    "contactUrl": "",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "info": {
      "orgInfo": "CSC represents Finland in the ELIXIR partner nodes"
  "description": "Beacon API Web Server based on the GA4GH Beacon API",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "welcomeUrl": "",
  "alternativeUrl": "",
  "createDateTime": "2018-07-25T00:00:00Z",
  "updateDateTime": "2018-12-01T10:28:07Z",
  "datasets": [{
    "id": "urn:hg:1000genome",
    "name": "1000 genomoe",
    "externalUrl": "",
    "description": "Data from 1000 genome project",
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38",
    "variantCount": 84360986,
    "callCount": 79423363,
    "sampleCount": 2504,
    "version": "v0.4",
    "info": {
      "accessType": "PUBLIC"
    "createDateTime": "2013-05-02T12:00:00Z",
    "updateDateTime": "2013-05-02T12:00:00Z"
  "sampleAlleleRequests": [{
    "alternateBases": "C",
    "referenceBases": "T",
    "referenceName": "MT",
    "start": 9,
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38",
    "includeDatasetResponses": "ALL"
  }, {
    "alternateBases": "A",
    "referenceBases": "G",
    "referenceName": "MT",
    "start": 7599,
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38",
    "datasetIds": ["urn:hg:exampleid-mt"],
    "includeDatasetResponses": "HIT"
  }, {
    "variantType": "SNP",
    "referenceBases": "G",
    "referenceName": "Y",
    "start": 7267243,
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38"
  "info": {
    "key": "value"

GA4GH Info Endpoint

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5050/service-info'

Example Response:

  "id": "localhost:5050",
  "name": "GA4GHBeacon at CSC",
  "type": "org.ga4gh:beacon:1.1.0",
  "description": "Beacon API Web Server based on the GA4GH Beacon API",
  "organization": {
      "name": "CSC - IT Center for Science",
      "url": ""
  "contactUrl": "",
  "documentationUrl": "",
  "createdAt": "2019-09-04T12:00:00Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-09-05T05:55:18Z",
  "environment": "prod",
  "version": "1.6.0"

Query Endpoint

An example GET request and response to the query endpoint:

$ curl -X GET \

Example Request:

  "beaconId": "localhost:5050",
  "apiVersion": "1.0.0",
  "exists": true,
  "alleleRequest": {
    "referenceName": "MT",
    "start": 14036,
    "referenceBases": "A",
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38",
    "datasetIds": [],
    "includeDatasetResponses": "NONE",
    "alternateBases": "G"
  "datasetAlleleResponses": []

An example POST request and response to the query endpoint:

$ curl -X POST \
  'http://localhost:5050/query' \
  -d '{"referenceName": "MT", \
  "start": 14036, \
  "referenceBases": "A", \
  "alternateBases": "G", \
  "assemblyId": "GRCh38", \
  "includeDatasetResponses": "HIT"}'

Example Response:

  "beaconId": "localhost:5050",
  "apiVersion": "1.0.0",
  "exists": true,
  "alleleRequest": {
    "referenceName": "MT",
    "start": 14036,
    "referenceBases": "A",
    "assemblyId": "GRCh38",
    "datasetIds": [],
    "includeDatasetResponses": "HIT",
    "alternateBases": "G"
  "datasetAlleleResponses": [{
    "datasetId": "urn:hg:1000genome",
    "referenceName": "MT",
    "externalUrl": "",
    "note": "Data from 1000 genome project",
    "sampleCount": 2,
    "callCount": 2534,
    "exists": true,
    "referenceBases": "A",
    "alternateBases": "G",
    "start": 14036,
    "end": 14037,
    "variantType": "SNP",
    "frequency": 0.000789266,
    "variantCount": 1,
    "info": {
      "accessType": "PUBLIC"